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How To Design Your Bedroom To Fit Your Needs

Bedrooms play significant roles in our lives, and in many different, even surprising ways. They not only are important functionality-wise but also serve as a direct representation of our personalities. A good way to explain this is to focus for a moment on the representation of bedrooms in filmography. In movies and different shows, bedrooms are invaluable tools to show who a certain character is. As we observe their bedrooms, we get a closer look at their personality in a plethora of ways. Their preferences, priorities, aesthetics - there is so much to be gathered from where we choose to live.

This is exactly why our homes are more than roofs over our heads. They are reflections of who we are, and everyone should be able to know how to show that through interior design. This is exactly what this article is all about - here, you will find out how to design your bedroom to fit your needs. There will be discussion both about specifics like furniture and decor, but also about general elements such as color, materials, and lighting.


The most obvious way to start this article is to focus on furniture first. Functionality, aesthetics, arrangement - all of these are the parameters that you must reflect on when designing your bedroom. Focus too much on one and neglect others, and the probability is high that the end product wouldn’t be the optimal one. Let’s see how you should approach these aspects.


Functionality is the first thing to have in mind when designing a bedroom. It doesn’t matter how pretty it is if it doesn’t fit your needs specifically. Let’s go through a specific case that reflects the mindset that you should have when assessing furniture functionality no matter the object in question. Let’s talk about beds.

A bed is pretty much a centerpiece in the composition that is a bedroom. This is why focusing on the looks is important, but more on that later. Even more so, the functionality should be a focus here, as a pretty bed isn’t always a comfortable one. Deconstruct the object and focus on everything; bed base, frame, mattress. Do you sleep alone, are you expecting that to change? How tall are you, what is your weight, and how does this relate to your final choice?

Take time to figure out what works for you - you are going to sleep on this bed every night after all. Taking this line of thought and extrapolating it on furniture, in general, is a safe approach for reaching optimal functionality.


There is a common battle when it comes to compromising aesthetics for functionality and vice-versa. Unless you are more interested in looks instead of functionality, a safe choice would be to start with functionality and build from there. But, it is a fine line between priorities when we talk about this topic, which is why it is important that you look into as many options as possible. Here’s what you should focus on when it comes to aesthetics.

First and foremost - don’t always focus too much on the current trends, especially if you’re not a professional interior designer. Trends can help with inspiration, but shouldn’t be a general guideline as they don’t represent who you are. Focus on your preferences, create a mood board based on who you are and what you like. Try and pinpoint what makes you feel comfortable and happy - colors, materials, patterns, textures. Details paint the picture far better than big things. Try to be cohesive with the above-mentioned parameters, but don’t be afraid to be eclectic here and there. Contrasts are a great tool to emphasize the overall underlying theme in your bedroom.


Decor, in the context of this article, is every object that isn't furniture of active, direct, everyday use. The decor is a great way to emphasize every aspect where aesthetics were compromised for functionality. So - everything from your carpet to ornaments and bedside lamps. You can have a lot of fun with decor, as you don't have to worry about functionality that much. In addition, you don't have to be as convenient as with furniture. When picking decor, just go with what you gravitate to - this is your time to be creative and have fun.


Colors are one of the most powerful tools when it comes to interior design, so don't neglect their importance. Brighter tones make the room appear larger and “fresh”, but darker, if done right, emphasize the sense of luxury but for the cost of trapping light. Warmer tones make the space cozier while colder ones do the opposite. You can make the room more stimulating or relaxing depending on your color choice. Also, have in mind that the source and intensity of light heavily affect the colors that you pick.

These are only a couple of tips and general guidelines, but there is so much more to it, which is why it would be best for you to extend your research on this beyond this article.


Materials, in the same way as colors, heavily affect how your bedroom is perceived. Wood elements emphasize warmth, nature, and coziness, while metals do the opposite. This is a broad generalization, as there are a plethora of different types of wood/metal out there.

Different types of these materials will have a different effects in the end. In most cases though, people combine different materials, as material diversity is oftentimes very pleasant to the eye. A good example is combining lighter wood with darker metal, and this is a choice that fits pretty much every occasion.


There are two primary ways to discuss lighting - the first one being natural vs. artificial, and the second one is the intensity and the color of the light. In general, it's always good to have a lot of natural light.

But when it comes to bedrooms, you must keep in mind that for a good night's rest, you need to ensure that you don't have an abundance of external light during nighttime. So, tread carefully, and invest in blinds! Finally, also make sure that you consider how the color of your artificial lights impacts the room differently!

As said at the very beginning of this article, our homes are so much more than just roofs over our heads. If there was ever a time where this can be strongly felt is right now, during the pandemic. Being stuck in your home allows you to reflect on, well, pretty much everything. But, the safety, comfort, and familiarity of our homes allow us to feel good while doing so. And that’s exactly what your bedroom should do, as it is the most intimate part of your home.

After reading this article, you have gained valuable insight into the world of bedroom interior design. Use this knowledge to enhance your living space, as it truly impacts us more than many people think. Try it out, and have fun designing your bedroom!