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Foundation Problems & Solutions

Concrete Foundation Walls - Structural Deterioration And Damage

Problem: Cracks in foundations and slabs resulting from settlement and movement - 2.

Cause: Differential movement and cracking of the garage slab.

Greater settlement of garage slabs at their edges relative to the center of the slab will result in cracking.

Solutions: Ensure that granular fill is evenly distributed and compacted under the garage slab.

  • Excavate to a minimum depth of 40 inches (1 m) under the garage. Differential settlement can occur where the center of the garage excavation is significantly higher that at the perimeter as shown in Figures 13a and 13b.
Correct excavation depth to prevent garage slab cracking
Figure 13b - Correct excavation depth to prevent garage slab cracking
  • Compact granular fill to reduce the likelihood of differential settlement.
