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Homemade Mildew Remover & Cleaner

An inexpensive and basic equivalent to packaged mildew cleaners and removers. Works well on all washable surfaces including washable painted surfaces.

Homemade Mildew Remover & Cleaner




Powdered Laundry Detergent (Ammonia Free)


Liquid Chlorine Bleach


Hot Water

Spray Bottle

Caution: The powdered laundry detergent that you use must be ammonia free. Mixing ammonia with chlorine can produce highly toxic gases.

Caution: Wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when working with this mildew remover.

Caution: Only use this mildew remover in well ventilated areas.

Add the chlorine bleach to the water and then mix in the powdered laundry detergent until the solution is thoroughly mixed together.

Using the spray bottle spray the mildew remover on the problem areas. Allow the solution to sit on the mildew for 10 minutes, but do not allow the solution to dry. The mildew should turn from its natural black color to an off white. Rinse the area thoroughly with hot water and use a cloth to dry the surfaces.