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A Useful Guide To Help You With Your Post-renovation Cleaning

Post-renovation cleaning can be a hectic job. It can be tiring and frustrating even after the contractor has done a thorough cleanup. While it may be a trivial matter for owners who like living in a hygienic household, it's a concern for people who are allergic to dust. Even though it's a frustrating and difficult task, it can be accomplished by using the proper equipment and procedures. Moreover, it helps to make a checklist and then follow it for the cleaning procedure. In this article, we'll have a look at the best approaches to help you with your post-renovation cleaning.

part of house under renovation

Make a Checklist

To be efficient in the cleaning process, you need to develop a checklist of all the things which need to be cleansed. The checklist can include the cleaning of entrances and exits, kitchen and bathroom, and various other areas. You'll need to consider both the interior and exterior parts of your home. From walls, ceilings, and windows, to driveways, walkways, and cabinets, everything needs to be cleaned. You may also need to replace some things.

Cleaning Services

In essence, all you want is for your home to be deeply cleansed of all the dirt and dust it may contain after renovating. You may decide to do that yourself with the help of your family members. Alternatively, you can hire a janitor or a number of janitors to get the job done. If you've bought a home that has been recently constructed, it can be slightly difficult because post-construction cleaning is not an easy process. The best way to clean up your home after renovation is by hiring post-construction cleaning services as they have the requisite experience to undertake the cleaning process and complete it in a timely manner. They'll bring along the necessary equipment and have the right manpower to accomplish this task.

Deep Cleaning

In order to clean your house deeply, you'll need to follow three steps. They are as follows:-

  1. Vacuuming
  2. Wiping and mopping
  3. Replacing and reinstalling

Vacuum the entire house thoroughly. Use a vacuum cleaner with great suction power so there's not a speck of dust left anywhere. After you've vacuumed the entire house, it's time to wipe and mop what's left. Wipe all the windows and doors. Ensure that you also wipe all interior and exterior light fixtures and bulbs. You may also need to rub the floors vigorously if possible to remove anything that's stuck to it. Make sure that you've completely wiped all the shelves and cabinets as well. The last step is to replace and reinstall. Replace all the items that have exceeded their life span. They will not function properly now so it's best to remove them. Reinstall whatever you can according to your budget and needs.

woman cleaning windows with a yellow sponge

It's a difficult task, but if you put your heart and soul into it, it can even be made into a fun process. It's also a promising idea to remove all the trash, dust the fans, and clean the kitchen properly. The gate and fence of a house are also important, so ensure that you don't neglect them. Moreover, most of the dust usually accumulates in corners and behind appliances, so you'll need to take a look at that as well.