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What Are the Best Ways to Prevent a House Flood?

Water damage can be one of the most costly expenses in your home. You'll need to replace plumbing and damaged property if it gets and stays wet. And when flooding causes even more problems than regular leaks, you need to safeguard against it.

It doesn't matter where you live, either. Reports show that 99% of United States counties suffered from some sort of flooding over the past several decades.

Do you want to learn how to protect yourself in case of a house flood? Read the guide below to learn how to handle flood prevention.

flood zone sign

Check Your Home's Drainage

One of the best ways to prevent water damage and flooding in your home is to examine how your property drains. If you live in an area that floods from a particular area, you need to examine how water flows and if it will make its way to your home.

By changing your property's landscape, you can change how water drains. Make changes to help water drain away from your home, and you'll reduce the chance of flooding.

Dry Proof Your Home

Dry proofing your home is the process of sealing your house against flood waters. The goal is to make changes to your home's openings to make it harder for water to enter.

There are a few common ways to do this:

  • Use flood shields on openings like doors and windows
  • Improve your sealing
  • Raise door thresholds

It's usually a good idea to rely on a professional to handle this process. A pro can do the job right and make sure you minimize the impact of flooding in your area.

Elevate Furniture and Appliances

Even if you do a great job of floodproofing your home, that doesn't mean your home will never flood. Flooding can break through even the best protections when it gets bad enough.

Elevate your appliances and furniture as much as possible to minimize the damage. This will work well for preventing flood damage and reducing the number of items you need to replace. It also pays to look for a flood insurance quote from a reputable insurance company to find help for these situations.

Get a Sump Pump

You're at more risk of flooding when you have a basement. Even if you live in an area that isn't as susceptible to flooding, it can still happen because part of your home is underground.

Most basement homes use sump pumps for this situation. These pumps will pool water that enters your home into a reservoir and pump it out of your home.

These devices do a great job of preventing minor flooding and are worth buying in every location. However, you'll need to regularly check on it to make sure it keeps working.

Take a House Flood Seriously

A flooded home can be one of the most costly problems you face as a homeowner. Depending on how bad the flood is, you may need to rip up your floor and replace all the furniture on the ground level if it suffers water damage.

But there are things you can do if you live in a flood-prone area to prevent a house flood. Utilize the tips above to reduce the chances of flooding in homes.

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