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4 Things You Should Know About Pruning Trees

garden gloves and a pear of pruning shears

When it comes to tree care, pruning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your tree healthy and looking great. Pruning helps remove dead or damaged branches, improve the overall shape of the tree, and increase air circulation. It's important to know how and when to prune trees properly in order to avoid damage and ensure healthy growth. In this article, we will discuss four things you should know about tree pruning!

  1. When to Prune
  2. The best time to prune most trees is in the late winter or early spring before new growth begins. However, some trees may be pruned during the summer if they are growing too fast. Be sure to consult an arborist to find out when is the best time to prune your specific tree.
  3. snow surrounding berry covered shrub branches

  4. Tree pruning in winter or early spring allows time for wounds to heal before the tree starts growing again. Summer pruning can cause stress to the tree and may delay healing. However, If you are unsure whether or not your tree needs pruning, contact a professional arborist for an evaluation. They will be able to tell you the condition of your tree and whether or not it needs pruning.
  5. In addition, pruning is also necessary when trees are young. Trees should be pruned regularly during the first four to five years of their life in order to develop a strong structure. After that, you can typically prune them less often. However, if your tree is damaged in a storm, it will likely need to be pruned back. Don't overthink it - if you think your tree needs pruning, it probably does!
  1. Use The Best Electric Pole Saw
  2. You will need a good-quality electric pole saw for tree pruning. Look for a saw that is lightweight and easy to maneuver. It should also have a long reach so that you can easily reach the higher branches. In addition, make sure the blade is sharp and in good condition. In addition, when using an electric pole saw, be sure to follow all of the safety precautions. Wear gloves, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt to protect your skin from the blades. Safety goggles are also recommended when using any type of saw. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid contact with power lines. This can be extremely dangerous and can result in serious injury or death.
  1. Cut at the Right Angle
  2. When cutting branches, be sure to cut at a 45-degree angle. This will help prevent water from accumulating on the cut. The most important part is that pruning the tree at the right angle will encourage healing. In addition, make sure to cut cleanly so that there are no jagged edges. Jagged edges can tear bark and damage the tree and can also provide a place for disease to enter.
  3. person pruning a small tree

  4. Similarly, avoid leaving stubs when cutting branches. Stubbed branches will not heal properly and can invite pests and diseases into the tree. Consequently, the tree will be more susceptible to damage in the future. Always cut branches flush with the tree trunk or limb collar. If you are unable to cut the branch flush with the tree trunk, use a lopper or pruning saw to make the final cut. This tool can help you make a clean, even cut without damaging the tree.
  1. Use Pruning Sealant
  2. After you have pruned your tree, be sure to seal the cuts with a pruning sealant. This will help protect the tree from pests and diseases and will promote healing. There are many different types of pruning sealants available on the market. Choose one that is specifically designed for trees. Namely, tree pruning sealant is thicker than standard pruning sealants, so it will stay in place and won't run down the tree trunk.
  3. In addition, pruned trees should be watered regularly during the first few weeks after pruning. This will help them recover from the stress of pruning and promote healing. You can even apply a tree fertilizer to help the tree recover more quickly. The right fertilizer will provide the tree with the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.

Pruning trees may seem like a daunting task, but it's really not that difficult. With a little knowledge and the right tools, you can easily prune your tree without damaging it. Just remember to use the best electric pole saw, cut at the right angle, and use pruning sealant to protect the tree. And most importantly, be safe! Once you have mastered the basics, you can start pruning trees like a pro!