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A Few Tips And Tricks That Will Save You Money On Your Next Energy Bill

Do you want to save money on your next energy bill? You may not know it, but there are a few easy tricks that can help you save. In this blog post, we'll tell you about some of the easiest ways for you to reduce your costs and keep more money in your pocket.

Change the filter on your heating and cooling system

Changing your filter is one of the easiest ways to get more from your system, and save on utility bills. Depending on the manufacturer, you should change your filter once a month to keep your system running at its peak efficiency. Having clean airflow means that less energy will be used by your heating or cooling unit.

Lower the temperature in your house by a couple of degrees to save money

Of course, there are times when you need the temperature to be warmer or cooler, but most of the time it is better to keep it lower. The cost will go down by as much as 10 percent on a standard bill if you can do this. In some homes, this can save up to $250.

Beyond lowering the temperature, you can compare the rates of your energy utilities to see which are the lowest. Shopping around is one of the best ways to lower your electricity rates as well.

Turning off the thermostat

When you are away from home, or the heat/AC isn't in use for long periods of time, turn it off completely. Even with a programmable thermostat, you can normally set your system to be off when no one is home and then switch it back on when you arrive. You'll find that you can save money by doing so.

Find out who uses the most energy in your home?

Make sure that people are not misusing or using too much energy. Be sure to set a timer on any lights left on, and if children are watching TV make sure they know to turn it off when they are finished. This is a great way to save on your monthly utility bill too.

Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to reduce water waste

Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators are a great way to reduce the amount of hot water your family uses each week. By using less, you'll not only save on your utility bills, but you will also be contributing to the conservation of our natural resources.

If you have two or more people living in an average home, you can easily reduce your energy usage by 20 percent just by using water more carefully. If you aren't sure what you can do, try installing a low-flow showerhead or faucet aerator in your home. You'll find that it's one of the easiest ways for you to save money on your next bill too.

Turn off lights when you leave a room

If you look for ways to cut down on the amount of time the lights are left on in your home, it will help reduce the amount of power used and save you money. Turning off lights when others aren't around is a great way to do this.

Use natural lighting as much as possible instead of turning on lights because it is cheaper than using electricity from your utility company. Using windows and skylights in your home is a great way to do this.

Check for drafts around windows and doors

Seal them up with weather stripping if necessary. Drafts mean hot air or cold air from outside is getting into your home. This means your heating and cooling system will have to work harder to keep the temperature at a comfortable level. Windows are one of the biggest culprits for losing heat in the winter, so check them during these months. You will want to make sure that any cracks in windows or doors are sealed up properly because this is where most of the cold air will come in.

Buy Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star appliances are more energy-efficient than others. If you have old appliances in your home, consider upgrading to ones that are Energy Star rated. This is just one more way to help reduce your home's wastefulness and save money on heating and cooling bills.

Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones

They use 90 percent less energy than incandescents. These can be a little more expensive but over the course of a year or two, you will have saved money in lower utility bills. LEDs last at least 10 years, so you won't have to replace them as often.

The most important thing to remember is efficiency. Use as little energy as possible, and turn your lights off when you're not using them. Perhaps more importantly, these small steps will not impact your quality of life in any way. You'll be saving money while being a good citizen at the same time.