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8 Sawhorse Plans

A pair of sawhorses is almost mandatory if you are planning any serious home remodeling exercise. Sawhorses raise material off the ground to a convenient height for cutting and finishing, saving your back!

The following sawhorse plans, designs and instructions are free:

basic sawhorse

This is a basic sawhorse that any home handyman should be capable of building in under an hour.

knock-down sawhorse

This knock-down sawhorse is is to take apart so that it can be easily stored when not needed.

classic sawhorse

This classic sawhorse is very easy to construct.

sturdy sawhorse

These sawhorses are very sturdy.

light duty sawhorse

This is a light duty sawhorse with a wide top portion.

heavy duty sawhorse

This is a heavy duty sawhorse that will stack.

light-duty sawhorse

This website provides 5 different versions of the same basic sawhorse design, covering light, medium and heavy duty versions.