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Renovating Your House? Here's How to Prepare to Move Out

When you're renovating your house, the last thing you want to worry about is moving out. But unfortunately, it's a necessary step for most people. Moving out before renovating can be stressful for everyone involved, but it doesn't have to be a total nightmare. By following these tips, you can make the process smoother and less stressful.

key attached with twine to moving box

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

The last thing you want is to be rushed out of your home while it's being renovated. Give yourself plenty of time to pack up your belongings and move out. This will help reduce the stress of the situation. Try to schedule the move for a time when you don't have any other major commitments. If that is not possible, try to organize your move so that you have plenty of time to settle into your new home. It would be a shame to move out and have to move back in again a few weeks later. We know it's difficult to think ahead when you're in the middle of a renovation, but moving companies can help you out during this process. When you plan, you're less likely to run into any stressful surprises. With enough time, you can even delegate some of the tasks to other family members or friends.

Clean Out Clutter

One of the best ways to prepare for a move is to clean out your clutter. This will make the process much easier and less stressful. Start by going through each room and getting rid of anything you don't need. Donate clothes, furniture, and other belongings that you no longer use. This will free up space in your home and make packing up much easier. Think about selling any big-ticket items that you don't need. This can help offset some of the costs of moving. You can start your decluttering by first getting rid of these big, unnecessary items. Then, once you're in your new home, you can start to get rid of the smaller items.

Create an Inventory List

It's important to create an inventory list before you move out. This will help you keep track of everything that you're taking with you. It will also make it easier to pack up your belongings. You can create the list on a piece of paper or a computer spreadsheet. Make sure to include the item's name, description, quantity, and value. This will come in handy when you're filing your insurance claim after the move. Try to take pictures of your belongings as well. This will help you remember what everything looked like, and it can also be used as proof of ownership if anything is damaged or stolen during the move. Think about packing up your most valuable belongings first. This will help ensure that they are the last things to get damaged during the move. It can also be helpful to pack your belongings in boxes of the same size. This will make it easier to stack and move them around.

woman writing a note on paper

Make Your Temporary Space Comfortable

When you're moving out, you'll need to find a temporary place to live. This can be a challenge, especially if you don't have any family or friends in the area. Try to find a place that is as comfortable as possible. This will help make the transition easier. Look for a place with enough space for all of your belongings. It's also important to find a place with a comfortable bed and plenty of storage space. If you can find a place with Wi-Fi, that's a major bonus. This will help you stay connected to the outside world while you're in transition. Think about how you can make your temporary space feel like home. This will help reduce the stress of the move. It can also be helpful to set up a temporary office space. This will help you stay organized and productive during the move.

Prepare for Moving Back Home

If you're moving back home after the renovation, you'll need to prepare for it. This means making sure that your home is ready for you. Talk to your parents or roommates about what you need. You may need to set up a space for yourself in the house or share a room with someone else. It's also important to discuss who will be responsible for cooking, cleaning, and paying the bills. Try to come up with a plan that works for everyone. If you're moving back home temporarily, make sure to discuss your return date with your family or roommates. This will help avoid any confusion down the road.

Renovating your house can be a stressful process. But, by preparing ahead of time, you can make it much easier. Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to a stress-free move.