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8 Roof Problems Many Homeowners Experience

an image of a lot of roofs with a mountain in the background

Did you know that your home's roof holds incredible resale value? When you repair or buy a new roof, you should expect to get most of its cost back upon selling your property.

Therefore, it is essential to learn about roof problems to avoid incurring any avoidable expenses. Here is everything you need to know about roofing issues and why fixing a roof can make you richer when you sell your home.

Common Roof Problems

Having a perfectly good working roof is something we take for granted each day. Remember that our roofs are required to protect our homes from the elements.

Otherwise, you would struggle to keep out pests and rainwater if you did not have a stable roof.

  1. Roof Leaks
  2. A leaking roof is one of the most common roofing issues homeowners must tackle.
  3. This can happen if you live in a place where it rains a lot. Roof leaks are one of the most challenging roofing repairs that will frustrate you and can become expensive quickly.
  4. Untreated leaks will lead to costly structural damages if left for too long. So, you will need to get roof leaks taken care of by hiring the best roofing repair company.
  5. Always look for signs of roof leaks. These are stains or mildew. When you notice a leak, the best thing to do is to take care of the problem immediately to avoid burning a hole in your wallet.
  1. Improper Ventilation
  2. Improper attic ventilation can cause a lot of heat to build up in your attic. This can lead to your shingles deteriorating or sheathing. Then you can expect to tackle roof failure.
  3. Some of the things that cause poor ventilation is having a ridge vent with spray foam insulation. You may also have a ridge vent on the hip and ridge roof where your attic fan should be.
  4. Finally, you may also have an attic fan with a ridge vent. You may also have too many intake areas like gable or soffit vents. If you have poor ventilation, you may need to deal with the attic's accumulated moisture.
  5. This can raise the internal temperature of your home. Then your shingles will crack and blister.
  6. Ice dams in the winter can also contribute to safety and structural issues. Always get a contractor to your property to help replace a roof to avoid bigger expenses.
  1. Faulty Materials
  2. If your shingles are broken or some of the materials got blown off during a storm, you need to hire a professional. Otherwise, you may risk compromising the integrity of your roof.
  3. This can cause significantly expensive problems in the future. Even a high-quality and perfectly installed roof will wear down over time. Roofs cannot help getting damaged due to the climate.
  4. Your shingles should get replaced partway through your roof's lifespan. Even though damaged shingles do not seem like an emergency, you do not want to expose your roof to rough weather conditions to get ruined more.
  5. The longer you avoid fixing your shingles, the more likely you will have roofing issues going deeper than the surface.
  1. Water Damage
  2. After a snowstorm or downpour, you may have to tackle standing water on your roof. Otherwise, this can lead to mildew and mold, weakening your roofing materials.
  3. Then you will have to fix structural damage and more leaks. If your roof has small and weak areas, you can expect standing water to seep through to cause leaks.
  4. This is common for those with flat roofs. Therefore, a professional contractor should check your roof often to avoid long-term leak issues. Or else you can also end up with ice dams that can lead to fascia or soffit board rotting.
  1. Incorrect Flashing
  2. Flashing is made from aluminum, steel, or waterproof plastic. This gets installed in the weakest parts of your roof to protect creases on fixtures.
  3. It also helps with connections like skylights or chimneys to seal these areas for leak protection.
  4. If your flashing material cracks or breaks, the connections will become vulnerable to moisture. So, your flashing should always be correctly secured to avoid experiencing costly problems in the future.
  1. Defective Gutters
  2. Clogged or defective gutters can cause roof leaks, especially along the edge of your roof, and water backups can seep into your eaves to cause rot. This can be prevented by having a professional install a drip edge when you replace or build your roof.
  3. It is also necessary to routinely clean your gutters while installing gutter screens. Then you can prevent blocked gutters. However, your roof can still overflow with water even if the gutters are clean.
  4. So, always inspect for gutter damage like rust, cracks, and decay if you want your roof's health to be perfect for a long time. Clogged gutters can also indicate falling granules.
  5. This is when your roof's top layer, which protects your shingles from UV rays, gets compromised. Therefore, it is crucial to get your roof inspected and replaced before your shingles begin cracking.
  6. However, remember that some shingle granule loss is normal if you have a brand-new roof. Even though this seems like a small problem, you should still get an expert to inspect your shingles to avoid costly structural damage.
  1. Tree Damage
  2. If a tree branch breaks and lands on your roof, you can expect significant damage. However, small branches can cause a lot more damage when they rub against your roof for ages.
  3. This can slowly deteriorate your roof's top layer, leading to flashing or shingle problems. Leaves and debris can also block your water flow in the gutters.
  4. This can lead to water seeping into your home and causing leaks. Always remove trees and branches away from your roof to prevent a danger that can weaken your roof's structural integrity.
  1. Ice Damage
  2. Roofing problems are most common during winter when ice and snow go through a thaw cycle.
  3. This is when water seeps and sits under your shingles. Then the water freezes again when the temperature drops. This can push and expand against your shingles and flashing.

Tackle Roofing Issues Today

Now that you know the 8 most common roof problems, it is time to hire a professional contractor to inspect all your shingles for cracks and leaks.

Thanks to a qualified roofer, you can ensure that you do not lose a lot of money in the future if your roof suffers from significant structural damage. If you enjoyed reading this roofing installation guide, check out some of our other posts.