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13 Metal Lathe & Accessory Plans

Plans 1 - 8

Many home handymen and metal workers dream of having their own metal lathe. You can build your own metal lathe with one of these free plans.

Plans 1 - 8

Plans 9 - 13

offset center lathe accessory

A small four jaw chuck is the principal component of this offset turning lathe accessory.

offset tailstock center

Rather than offset the lathe tailstock when turning tapers, after it has been adjusted to accurately turn work between centers, make up an offset tailstock center as shown in these plans.

tail stock pipe center

Obtain the center of your pipe stock quickly and hold it easily with this tail stock pipe center lathe attachment. According to the plans, this attachment will accept pipe from 1/4 inch to 4 1/4 inches.

tap holder lathe accessory

If you are looking to make a lathe tap holder to speed up the machining operations, these are the plans. This holder for taps on the lathe will make changing operations faster.

live end boring bar and swivel

These plans are for making a lathe attachment for a live end boring bar and swivel.

Plans 1 - 8

Plans 9 - 13