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Finishing Attic Space

Part 2

Note: I highly recommend the use of a pneumatic or electric nail gun. Using a hammer to drive nails into rafters or floor joists can easily shift and/or vibrate the pieces of lumber which will have the effect of damaging drywall, or plaster on ceilings below or roofing materials above.

How To Convert Your Attic Space:

Step 1:


You must spend time inspecting the attic in its current form. Attics can have a host of important items running through them.

  • Plumbing vent pipes, water pipes, chimneys (both brick and pipe)
  • In most cases plumbing vent pipes and chimneys are expensive to reroute or relocate and it will most likely be necessary to design your attic space to encase the items. Water pipes can generally be re-routed without any major problem.

  • Plumbing vent pipes, water pipes, chimneys (both brick and pipe)
  • In most cases plumbing vent pipes and chimneys are expensive to reroute or relocate and it will most likely be necessary to design your attic space to encase the items. Water pipes can generally be re-routed without any major problem

  • HVAC duct work and in the south you may even encounter the air conditioning system.
  • Duct work can be rerouted, although you should have it done by a professional HVAC contractor. If you have an air conditioning system in the attic, relocation could be an expensive exercise.

  • Electrical
  • The older the home, the more likely there is a host of wires running over, through and around the rafters. Identify which wires are going to have to be relocated. It is common to have doorbell wires and the doorbell transformer mounted in the attic on a rafter.

    Cable TV or satellite cables may also have to be re-routed.

    Remember that you cannot bury electrical junction boxes!

  • Roof
  • This is the time to inspect the underside of the roof and ensure that there are no leaks, damage to the roof, holes or other roof parts that should be replaced or repaired, before you start finishing the attic space.

  • Vents
  • Many attics have vents in the roof, gables and soffits. You must consider how you will repair the holes left when these devices are removed, as they are not needed once the attic space is finished.

  • Central Vacuum Systems
  • If you have central vacuum system piping in the attic, it is most likely resting on top of the floor joists. It will have to be re-routed.

    Once you have completed your inspection and know how you will take care of the items discovered in your inspection you can move on to Step 2.

Step 2:


Now that the attic space is going to be livable space there are a few items that may have to be added. Consideration must be given to how these items will be taken care of.


Part 1

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5