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Repairing Holes In Drywall

Question: I'm renting a house where the previous tenants had an entertainment center bolted to plaster walls. When we removed the piece of furniture we discovered that they were secured by nickel-sized butterfly hook bolts. They left substantial holes in the wall that needed repairing.

We used wall patching (plaster sheets that you wet and apply, sand when dry). Unfortunately they are extremely noticeable because it's another layer on top of the wall.

Any suggestions on how we can make it more flush and less noticeable? I realize it'll never be perfect, but the condition it's in now concerns me.

Answer: If it is a large hole you need to install a piece of drywall and then use mudd to do the repair. Install a piece of wood (just wide enough to hold the piece of drywall), a couple of inches should be more than suitable on the backside of the wall, using screws through the front of the wall and attach the piece of drywall to it using screws.

Additional information on constructing a repairing holes in drywall.
