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Painting Picture Frames

Question: I make my own picture frames and I always have problems painting or staining them. The edges end up with too much paint or the picture frame sticks to the newspaper that it is sitting on. Are there any tricks to painting picture frames?

Answer: You have a couple of alternatives to solve your picture frame painting problem:

  1. You can build a nail board, as shown in Figure 1. This is a piece of plywood or MDF that has a number of nails 3" or 3 1/2" driven all the way through the board. You basically rest your picture frame on top of the points of the nails which allows you to conveniently paint the edges. Paint will not build-up on the edge and the picture frame will not get stuck to the nail board.

nail board for painting pictures and other small objects

Figure 1 - Nail board for painting pictures and other small objects
  1. The second alternative is to purchase some painters pyramids, as shown in Figure 2. These little pyramid shaped pieces of plastic are designed to support small items, such as picture frames that require painting or staining.

painter's pyramids for painting pictures and other small objects

Figure 2 - Painter's pyramids for painting pictures and other small objects

If you cannot find the painters pyramids at your local paint retailer or big box home improvement center, they are available on-line..
