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What Direction Should I hang Drywall On Walls?

Question: I will be doing some drywall work as part of a major remodel in my home. I have searched the internet and asked the salespeople at lumber yards and big box retailers if I should hang the drywall vertically or horizontally. I continually get conflicting answers. What is your opinion?

Answer: You get conflicting answers about the direction of hanging drywall, vertical or horizontal, because there is no right or wrong way.

The fact is that your specific circumstances will define what is best for your project. As a home handyman you will find it easier to fill joints that are tapered, which is on the long edge of the drywall, than it is to fill joints that are not tapered, which is what you get when the ends of the drywall meet.

By hanging the drywall vertically you should completely eliminate any end joints, unless you have very high or cathedral or vaulted ceilings.

Many people say that having a vertical joint from floor to ceiling is always more visible than a horizontal joint from wall to wall. I am not sure that this is true. Properly prepared joints should be invisible whether they are vertical or horizontal.

Other people will tell you that applying joint compound and tape from ceiling to floor is harder (vertically installed drywall) because it usually means you must continually be up and down a ladder, whereas, with horizontal joints you are working at the same height continually. Whether this truly makes a difference I think depends on the quantity of joints you are dealing with.

There are some points about laying out drywall that you should be aware of and these pages will provide you with additional information on positioning drywall around doors and windows and general drywall installation techniques.
